When the K.N. Rao Time and tide wait for none meaning time being a flux, changes manifest in everyone's life whether one notices them or not. Some of the changes are so perceptible and so deeply felt that one remembers them all one's life while some deeper psychological changes revolutionising one's inner life, like say, Guru deeksha, may remain unnoticed because the inner transformation that takes place does not manifest so clearly and instantaneously to be noticed as the beginning of a great change. Similarly, in a traditional family, the death of one's father which changes family relationships, is a big change remembered by most. Generally, the outerchange in family surroundings and relationships, is remembered as a major event in one's life. HOW, WHY AND WHEN these changes occur can mostly be explained through a horoscope, through the placement of planets, their conjunction, aspects and yogas with the mahadashas running together with the antardashas. The mahadasha represents a major change, from one set of circumstances while the antardashas within a mahadasha show changes within the pattern set by the mahadashas. Generally, the change of a mahadasha and the beginning of another is a landmark remembered as a dasha chiddra and is referred by astrologers, some of them stressing the negative and disastrous changes only. A change is a change. What type of a change it this needs introspective analysis and good memory. The forgotten yesterday often obliterates from memory the essence of this change. Against this background, this study in dasha changes is to help us prepare ourselves for a long range predictions with near accurate astrological readings. These changes brought about by dashas are more easily visible in Jaimini dashas that the Vimshottari in which there are small and long and very long dashas. In the studies being undertaken here, our concentraion is mainly on the Vimshottari dasha with reference to Jaimini's Chara Dasha as and when necessary. The studies are divided into three types: a) Changes in the life of a nation, India being our chosen illustration, as the mahadasha changes. b) Changes in the public life of famous men. The illustrations chosen are, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and some other famous international personalities. c) Changes in the life of men like me where such changes are not historical events but individually felt and experienced event which, when viewed retrospectively, were landmarks in one's life. It is here that the students will contribute their own studies. General parameters to be examined in all cases For our understanding, let us see how when dashas change, the switch over, in all cases can be from benefic to benefic, benefic to malefic and malefic to benefic and malefic to malefic. This can be seen in the changes between the last antardasha of the mahadasha ending the beginning of the new mahadasha whose antardashas will be the same as that of the mahadasha lord. 1) Ketu dasha ends with Ketu Mercury and begins with Venus-Venus which is benefic to benefic. 2) Venus dasha ends with Venus-Ketu and begins with Sun-Sun which is malefic to malefic. 3) Sun dasha ends with Sun-Venus and begins with Moon-Moon which is benefic to benefic. 4) Moon dasha ends with Moon-Sun and begins with Mars-Mars which is malefic to malefic. 5) Mars dasha ends with Mars-Moon and begins with Rahu-Rahu which is benefic to malefic. 6) Rahu dasha ends with Rahu-Mars and begins with Jupiter-Jupiter which is from malefic to benefic. 7) Jupiter dasha ends with Jupiter-Rahu and begins with Saturn-Saturn. It being a long period, this change generally deserves a very careful study. 8) Saturn dasha ends with Saturn-Jupiter and begins with Mercury-Mercury which is from benefic to benefic. It being a long period, this change generally deserves a very careful study. 9) Mercury dasha ends with Mercury-Saturn and begins with Ketu-Ketu which from malefic to malefic. Specefic parameters to be examined in individual cases. Apply the well known principles of Parashara some of which are: 1) The lordships of the dasha ending and the dasha beginning from the lagna concerned. 2) Placement of the dasha ending and the dasha beginning from the lagna concerned. 3) Conjuction with other planets of the dasha ending and the dasha beginning from the lagna concerned. 4) Aspects on other planets of the dasha ending and the dasha beginning from the lagna concerned. 5) If the dasha lords concerned are combust and are conjunct with other planets and/or aspected. 6) If the dasha lords concerned are retrograde and are and/or aspected. Note: All these are to be studied with reference to the well-known yogas, like raja, dhana, arista etc. Finally 1) Study these planets in different vargas to see good or bad fortune flows in which of them. Importance has been given to the navamsha and shatyamsha (1/60th) divisions for this. Shatyamsha should be studied only if the birth time recorded in the horoscope is very accurate. 2) And how the changing mahadashas are mutually placed from each other, 1/2. 1/7. 1/6. 1/12 etc. to get an idea of the expected change/changes. 3) Cross check these with Jaimini's Chara Dasha or any other dasha like Yogini to get a clear picture through a helpful cross-check. 4) It will generally be seen that the last two antaradashas of the previous mahadasha and the first two of the new mahadasha will show fuller picture of the changes that have taken place or likely to. Study Brihat Parashara Horashastra and Sarvartha Chintamani on the expected results of the dashas of Sun and other planets. Students of astrology should tabulate these results given in these classics for each planet. For facility, it has been done by some students and will be given at appropriate place for a ready reference... When can the dasha chiddra be said to have begun is a question which is not easy to answer. It can be seen to have begun in some cases in the penultimate antardasha of a mahadasha and not the ultimate one. For example it may be in Jupiter-Mars, followed by Jupiter-Rahu and continuing in Saturn-Saturn. In judging this, the horoscope as a whole should be examined and the anticipated changes marked and told. In some cases, the six-eight position of mahadasha and antardasha seems to be more effective in showing the changes that have occured. It is necessary to see how closely two planets are in degrees. In an operative dasha, this proximity seems to prove significant, even fatal in many cases. This study is divided into four sections thus: I am writing on: 1) Cases of famous men and women in whose cases the changes with dasha changing is a historical fact. In this I have included the horoscope of Independent India in which the dashas changes are very noticeable, particularly in the present Venus mahadasha in which fashion, television and all that Venus represents are loud in the life of the nation. 2) Cases of others where a signicant change has been traced to dasha change. 3) Tabulated results of dashas according to some classics as given by research students of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan. 4) Case studies given by students. The examples given here have been discussed in many books of mine. Here they have been discussed from the point of view of dasha chiddra only. |
Questions about Dasa Chiddra: Q1) What is your opinion in general about Dasha Chidra? Q2) Which type of Dasha Chidra can give good results? Q3) Which type of Dasha Chidra can give bad results? Q4) Do other Dashas whether universal or Conditional too need extra care related to such period? |
Answers by Shri Manoj Pathak: Answer of Q1) Dasha chidra is an important period in a person's life. This generally is taken as the ending antardasha in the running Mahadasha and first antardasha in coming Mahadasha. This is a period which needs to be watched with care as this can bring ups and downs in one's life. It is like a working under a new CMD/CEO and creating proper rapport with him. Answer of Q2 and Q3) This needs to be seen in light of each and every lagna and the scheme of vimshottari dasha. For example, for a person born in dasha of Ketu in Aries Lagna, the following dasha would be of Venus, 2nd and 7th lord, followed by Sun, 5th lord, followed by Moon, 4th lord, followed by Lagna and 8th Lord, followed by Rahu and then Jupiter, 9th lord. So broadly, the dasha changes here from best (sun) to good (moon) to normal (lagna & 8th) and then Rahu and then best (Jupiter). This needs to be examined for each and every lagna to assess the beneficence or maleficence for each lagna. This, therefore, can assume good and bad, both propositions. Answer of Q4) Yes, Whatever be the dasha, the lordship and placement plays an important role in understanding the results of any dasha, be it general or conditional. |
Answers by Shri Deepak Bisaria: Chidra means a hole. Therefore the chidra dasha should mean the withering away of the background curtain painted at the time of the onset of the ongoing dasha. When the mahadasha is it at its fag end the coming dasha peeps from the withering curtain holes. The result is a mix of the old dasha and the coming dasha. Depending on the PAC of the last antardasha lord and its equation with the mahadasha lord and the PAC of the coming dasha lord, the changes that the new dasha is to bring manifest. The changes that a new dasha bring often changes the identity, outlook and the environment of the person. Depending on the planet and its lordship and position the changes are good in some areas and bad in the other. It is said that the same dasha and antardasha period is mostly uneventful as the new dasha is in transition and is unable to manifest itself to the full. I believe it to be true unless there is a major transit affecting the vital points of the horoscope . A major transit that happens during the dasha chidra phase brings the change of the new backdrop immediately. It is important to make the dasha lord the Lagna and see all the twelve houses from there. This should done in case of the divisional charts also. |
Example by Shri Roberto Velicaz: Richard Nixon was born on January 9, 1913, 9:35 PM in Whittier Junction (CA) (United States). I believe, he is a very good example of this principle. If we concentrate on the main period of Saturn followed by the main period of Mercury and look at the switch over, there are many events that occurred in Richard Nixon’s life. Focusing on the last sub period of the Saturn main period and the first sub period of the Mercury main period (Apr 68 – March 73) we find that Richard Nixon was elected and re-elected President of the United States of America. |
Saturn in the rashi chart is in the 10th house and it rules the 6th and 7th house from the lagna. It is receiving no aspects but aspects Venus ruler of the 3rd and 10th. No conjunctions are present. Saturn is retrograde and there is an exchange between it and Venus. Saturn in the 10th can bring great rises and falls in career and being retrograde can also indicate a reversal. We can see from the rulers involved that career, competition, partnership and media are all highlighted. If we use Saturn as the lagna, we find the ruler of the 10th and 9th is in the 1st and the ruler of the 1st and 6th is in the 10th. In the D-10 chart, Saturn is placed in the 11th house and rules both the 10th and 11th, so we see career, gains/fulfilment of wishes highlighted. Saturn is conjunct Mercury (ruler of the 3rd and 6th), Mars (ruler of the 1st and 8th) and in mutual aspect to the Sun (ruler of the 5th). |
In the rashi chart Mercury rules the 2nd and 11th, it is placed in the 5th house. It receives no aspects or makes no aspects to other planets. It is conjunct Jupiter (ruler of the 5th and 8th), Mars (ruler of the 4th and 9th) and the Sun (ruler of the 1st). If we use Mercury as the lagna, we find the ruler of the 7th and 10th in the 1st. We also find the rulers of the 1st, 4th, 5th, 12th and 9th in the lagna (Jupiter, Mars and Sun). In the D-10 chart, Mercury is placed in the 11th house and conjunct Saturn (ruler of the 10th and 11th), Mars (ruler of the 1st and 8th) and in mutual aspect to the Sun (ruler of the 5th). |
In the Jupiter sub period (last sub period) of Saturn dasha, Richard Nixon was elected and inaugurated as President. Look at the transits of Saturn and Jupiter for this confirmation. His success continued into the new dasha of Mercury but was ended abruptly. Why? We find that Saturn and Mercury are in a 6/8 relationship. Mercury being in the 5th house (8th from the 10th) and is conjunct the ruler of the 5th and 8th, Jupiter. So we have adversity, scandals, disgrace and the unexpected. We must also mention that Mars is also in a very close conjunction with Mercury. In the D-10 chart, Mercury is conjunct both malefics, Saturn and Mars. Mars is also the ruler of the 8th house. Mercury rules the 3rd and 6th house in the D-10 chart. So 8th house issues are reinforced and battles also added to the mix. In March 1974, RKA had moved into 4th/10th house axis. This eventually led to the President resigning in August 1974. |