Rare predictive methods & Case studies Shankar G Hegde
Male: 05-Feb-1958, 05:03 AM, Mumbai Result of Case study-2:
EDUCATION- The education of the native is moderate because of the following reasons. A)IN D-1 CHART the 4th house lord jupiter in 11th in RA/KE axis, and in 5th house it is occupied by KE. B)In d-24 chart the 4th and 5th house lord are not well placed. C) in D-60 chart for capricorn ascendent KE is placed in 4th house. PROFESSION- A) food business B) Money lending business. Reason the ascendent lord jupiter in 11th house,and 10th and 9th lord mercury in 2nd house. - W.BHARAT KUMAR |
Education related to technical like engineering mathematics etc......native should be a bussiness man. Bussiness can be related to metal related ,hardware, factory etc
It can be possible some distrbnce in education 5L in lagna but in pap kartari yoga , LL nd natural karak jup in rahu ketu axis aspected by satn mars in d9 , 5 h of d9 has rahu which is aspected by 8th L mars ,12th L sun....9 h aspected by 6 th Lsat ,9L venus in 8th h....In SAV aries only 20 points..In d24 LL sun in 8 th h rahu - Ashish Bhardwaj |
Education: - Engineer (Electronics or Electrical)…
Profession: - Making money through different business… Very clever in managing others & money…may be this person involves underworld or some legal troubles…
nice tips sir n its a very useful site. thanq. also sir, how can v differentiate an engineering n non-engineerin line of education? - radha |