Bhrigu System Shankar G Hegde Divisional Charts and Bhrigu Chakra Paddati: There are many astrologers who follow Bhrigu methods. One of such methods is Bhrigu Chakra Paddati (BCP). Most of them use it with respect to D-1 or Rashi Kundali only. How to use it with respect to other divisional charts like Navamsha (D-9), Dashamasha (D-10)…. D-60 etc is answered here by taking an example.
His first marriage took place on 19-2-1994.
It was 24th year of age which was running at that period. So the progressed Lagna was 12th house or Libra as in this method, we have to consider 1st house or Lagna as lagna for 1st year, 2nd house as lagna for 2nd year after the birth date, 13th again Lagna, 24th the 12th house etc. Now look at the beauty.
The radical Lagna is Leo and for 1994 (24th year) Cancer becomes the progressed lagna. The lord of Cancer is Moon who is in 2nd house of family from Cancer the progressed lagna. Dasha Lord Mercury has the aspect of Saturn the 7th lord from Cancer and Antara Lord Rahu’s dispositor is Venus the significator of marriage.
It was his 30th year of age. So, The BCP (Bhrigu Chakra Paddati) progressed lagna become the 6th house from radical lagna. In D-1, Aries becomes the progressed lagna. The Lord of Aries occupies the 11th but has affliction of Nodes and Mars has a bad exchange with debilitated Saturn. Divisional charts are more clear. In D-10: The progressed lagna becomes Taurus or Vrishbha. The Lord of that sign Venus falls in 4th with afflictions of Nodes again. In Shastiamsha (D-60), 6th house from radical lagna (Leo), becomes Capricorn and Lord of that Saturn falls in 9th with a terrific affliction Mars and 8th lord Sun from Capricorn! Look at the affliction of Rahu-Ketu to 5th house from progressed lagna Capricorn. No need to say that 5th is the house of speculation and it was Dasha of Ketu! Epanditji will soon introduce Question Answer Section based on Bhrigu System. We invite all our users to test both Parashari and Bhrigu systems of question answers and inform the results. This will enable us to improve the accuracy. We may also merge both the systems by giving different weights to each system to achieve better accuracy. |
Amazing method Ihave tested it on my horoscope it All past events of my life amazingly verified.Can we use transit with this method for more accuracy ? - pankaj soral |
Dear Sir,
Recently we learnt the bhrigu chakra paddhati by one of the renouned astrologer of Ahmedabad.
We are very keen to learn further on this system of prediction.kindly let me know which are the sources available to go further. I mean books or like wise. - Dipesh |
The article is excellent but I want to know that you used True nodes instead of mean nodes but what is the logic behind this ? 2ndly what is the basis of year used in Dasa system ? - H Ramadas Rao |