Rare predictive methods & Case studies Shankar G Hegde
Male, 11-Feb-1980, 23:05, Karwar, Karnataka. Result of Case Study 5:
Firstly, he is former minister of Karnataka. He is mainly into mining business. He is having a business empire of several hundred crores. Observation by Mr. Roberto Velicaz: Looking at the result we can see A10 is in Pisces conjunct Venus ruler of the 8th. The ruler of A10, Jupiter, is in Leo, government and conjunct Mars+Rahu, mining. It is also interesting to note that from chandra lagna Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Saturn (retro rule) are in the 10th, Leo. Again giving indications of government and mining. Two other interesting points, exalted Mars aspecting the 10th, Leo, in D-10 chart and using Venus as the lagna (main period from 1990-2010) to judge career. |
Ayanamsa B.V.Raman: 10 lord is 5th house own business. (Unpredictable nature) Actor, Mystic, Monks & Astrologers are seeing this alignments. 2th lord is 8th house. 8thhouse Addictions (other world) … 2nd lord is 4th house (bhava) - MANOJ PHILIP |
10 lord afflicted in 2 nd h by sat n mars , LL exalted but also afflicted by sat n mars in 6 h , 10 h aspected by 11 sun , 10 h n L is in technical influence.D-9 some raj yogas present benefic in kendras 5 l in 10 h n again 10 l moon of d1 aspected by sat mars n sun. Native can be writer having knowledge of astrology, ngo gov servent etc - Ashish Bhardwaj |
1, teaching
2,business related to health or foregin
3,health related work - saadat zaidi |
The profession of the native is medicine or research oriented job - W.BHARAT KUMAR |
There is a heavy influence of Mars, Jupiter and Sun throughout the varga charts concerned with the question. My choice would be military/police possibly navy. Sun possibly indicates some sort of government work, maybe wears a uniform. - Roberto Velicaz |
Sorry some mistake (12th lord in 8h house) - MANOJ PHILIP |
10 lord afflicted in 2 nd h by sat n mars , LL exalted but also afflicted by sat n mars in 6 h , 10 h aspected by 11 sun , 10 h n L is in technical influence.D-9 some raj yogas present benefic in kendras 5 l in 10 h n again 10 l moon of d1 aspected by sat mars n sun. Native can be writer having knowledge of astrology, ngo gov servent etc - Ashish Bhardwaj |
Army/Police service in Govt job at officer level. - Arun Sharma |
In case study no-5, you mentioned about jaimini dhana pada .Please inform is it JAIMINI HORA LAGNA.? - W.BHARAT KUMAR |
Looking at the result we can see A10 is in Pisces conjunct Venus ruler of the 8th. The ruler of A10, Jupiter, is in Leo, government and conjunct Mars+Rahu, mining. It is also interesting to note that from chandra lagna Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Saturn (retro rule) are in the 10th, Leo. Again giving indications of government and mining. Two other interesting points, exalted Mars aspecting the 10th, Leo, in D-10 chart and using Venus as the lagna (main period from 1990-2010) to judge career. - Roberto Velicaz |