Rare predictive methods & Case studies Shankar G Hegde
Male: 23-05-1979, 11:55 IST, Anand,
He is a big businessman. He is an engineer and has the business related to agricultural products. He overtook the business of his father which was facing losses and now it is worth few hundred crores (in Indian Rupees). Now
try to predict about his married life by giving proper astrological
explanations. We shall reveal the result along with our analysis in 24 hours to 72 hours.
a) Excellent b) Very good c) Just good d) Moderate e) Bad f)
Very bad or worst This option of our website will enable students of astrology to test their skills and will help them to discuss more & more to understand the subject deeply. General public using our services will come to know who are all good astrologers. We will try to share as much as rare techniques of predictions through case studies. Soon we will start quizzes also. Result of Case Study 1:
It is Bad Marriage for the time being. His first marriage took place on 31-12-2004. He was in USA at that time. He joined the family Business in Jan 2005. His first wife was ready to come to India along with their child but his mother in law strongly objected it and divorce took place. He got married for the second time on 4-August-2009. But she was a psychological patient and divorce took place again. Now he is having affair with an extremely beautiful girl and soon they are likely to get married.
1) In Brihat Jataka Acharya Varaha Mihira says, If Saturn and Moon are conjoined in 7th, more than one marriage will take place. In this case saturn+moon are in 7th in D-60!
2) If other factors are bit negative also, exalted Jupiter connected to 7th house in D-1 usually gives (I repeat usually gives) problems in married life. |
The married life of the native is bad. The reasons are for cancer ascendent the saturn and jupiter are functional malefic, saturn also the 7th lord is with rahu in 2nd house which is kutumba sthana and also the enemys house for saturn( sun). During november 2015 the native has to be careful because the situation may aggrevate as the native will run MO-SA-RA period,which is bad. - W.BHARAT KUMAR |
Marriage happens @age 30 (2009) (F) very bad ā¦no children. Good chart for personal achievement not for family life & some health issues. Separated immediately after marriageā¦ - Manoj Philip |
Married Life : 6th lord in lagna aspecting 7th h ,7th lord sat in 2nd which is 8th from 7th house with rahu ketu axis.
From moon & venus lagna again 6th lord mercury conjuction in lagna. In D-9 6th lord sun in langa L L jup in 8th house with rahu and aspected by Sat 12th lord which is also 7th lord of D1 in 6th h in D-9 ,D-9 7th L mercury aspected by GK sun . 7th h and L in D-1 and D-9 both aspected by Gk Sun/Rahu sat kror grahas indicatesBAD married Life
- Ashish Bhardwaj |
Second house having Sa and Ra two melafic. Sa also 7L in 8th house from 7H. Ve karka for married life also affected by 12L and 3L Me. Ma in 10H is also not good for married life.
In D9 7H is aspected by seprative Su. 7L Me is in 10H and 10L Ju is in 8H. Ve in 5H with Ma lord of 2H.
From Mo the 7L Ve is in Lagana with 3L & 6L Me and 8L Ma also Lagnesh.
Only saving grace is aspect of Ju from exalted rasi in D1 on 7H. This indicate BAD married life for the native. - Lakhan |
Bad marital life as Ketu is conjoining UL and here we also find that UL and A6 are together. Enimity rise after marraige between the couples. 7th lord Saturn is with Rahu in the 2nd house. This combination would spoil the relationships.This may not lead to any major changes in the marraige life as Jupiter is aspecting the 7th house by 7th house aspect.
A7 lord is Jupiter hence spouse would be a person who would be very lucky for the native as it is exalted in the cancer in his lagna.
- Uma shanker |
I applied same time and birth details of this native in ur site but in ur site the marraige is shown as excellent but ur saying as problem in married life ??
Thus, your married life is expected to be Excellent (84.89%).
You are currently running Maha Dasa of Moon, Minor Dasa of Saturn and Sub-Minor Dasa of Mercury. This Dasa is from 02 Jan 2015 to 23 Mar 2015. During this dasa, your married life is expected to be - PRASHANTH |
I am suffering with the problem of unstable career, now I want to start my own business of online writing services. Will I be successful in this, please help.
DOB 1/9/1976, time 8:05 morning. Place; Jabalpur (MP) - Nandini |