Rare predictive methods & Case studies Shankar G Hegde
Male, 20-7-1959, 3:59 AM IST, Challakere, Karnataka
This case study will become hot now! Please cast the charts for 3 more people and try
to predict the same things. Consider the case study's person as Male No 1. Result of Case Study 3:
(1) Male, 20-7-1959, 3:59 AM IST, Challakere, Karnataka.
He is an astrologer cum mantrik. He married twice and lost both wives. |
PROFESSION- The native is in teaching profession or with a financial organisation.The karaka for teaching jupiter the 10th and 7th lord in 5th in vishaka nakdhatra.In dashamsha in cancer ascendent exalted jupiter in lagna and exalted sun in aries the 10th place.In job with financial organisation the same analysis holds good.
MARRIED LIFE- Regarding married life it is disturbed.,either the wife is no more or left him.The 8th lord saturn(R) IN 7TH and is aspecting the 4th house with rahu. - W.BHARAT KUMAR |
PROFESSION can be related to teaching or preaching.might a very religious person. Not married or bad marriage. - Saurabh |