
 Name  Sample  Sex  Female
 Date of Birth  25 Jan 1988  Time of Birth  02:03:00
 Time Zone  5.5 Hours  Daylight Saving Time  0 Hour
 Place of Birth  Bangalore  State  Karnataka
 Latitude  12° 58' 19" N  Longitude  077° 35' 37" E
 Sunrise  06:46:23  Sunset  18:17:18
 Day of Birth  Monday Tithi  Saptami
 Paksha  Shukla Rasi (Sign)  Pisces
 Nakshatra  Revathi Nakshatra Pada  4
 Yoga  Siddha Karna  Gara
 Lahiri Ayanamsa  023 41 27.6 Yogi  Ketu
 Saha Yogi  Mars Ava Yogi  Rahu

Our Comments
 This is a demo horoscope wherein Date and Time of Birth generated randomly by computer.

 Planet Longitude  Rasi  Nakshatra Pada  Course
 Lagna213 10 12.4 Scorpio Vishakha 4  Direct
 Sun 280 23 09.0  Capricorn Shravana 1  Direct
 Moon 357 16 09.9  Pisces Revathi 4  Direct
 Mars 227 07 30.7  Scorpio Jyeshta 1  Direct
 Mercury 298 42 20.4  Capricorn Dhanista 2  Direct
 Jupiter 358 45 29.0  Pisces Revathi 4  Direct
 Venus 317 28 59.6  Aquarius Satabhisa 4  Direct
 Saturn 244 24 35.7  Sagittarius Moola 2  Direct
 Uranus 245 19 14.8  Sagittarius Moola 2  Direct
 Neptune 254 58 26.8  Sagittarius Purvasadha 1  Direct
 Pluto 198 45 52.7  Libra Swati 4  Direct
 Rahu 330 41 37.6  Pisces Purvabhadra 4  Retrograde
 Ketu 150 41 37.6  Virgo Uttara Phalguni 2  Retrograde

 Bhava No. Bhava Begin Mid Bhava
 First198 11 48.0213 10 12.4
 Second228 11 48.0243 13 23.6
 Third258 14 59.2273 16 34.8
 Fourth288 18 10.3303 19 45.9
 Fifth318 18 10.3333 16 34.8
 Sixth348 14 59.2003 13 23.6
 Seventh018 11 48.0033 10 12.4
 Eighth048 11 48.0063 13 23.6
 Ninth078 14 59.2093 16 34.8
 Tenth108 18 10.3123 19 45.9
 Eleventh138 18 10.3153 16 34.8
 Twelfth168 14 59.2183 13 23.6

 Planet AdhiMitra (Best Friend) Mitra (Friend) Sama (Neutral) Shatru (Enemy) AdhiShatru (Bitter Enemy)
 SunMoon Mars Jupiter       Venus Saturn Mercury       
 MoonSun Mercury Venus Saturn       Mars Jupiter       
 MarsSun Venus Saturn Moon Mercury Jupiter             
 MercuryVenus Mars Jupiter Saturn Sun Moon             
 JupiterSun Saturn Moon Mars Mercury Venus             
 VenusMercury Saturn Mars Jupiter Sun Moon             
 SaturnMercury Venus Jupiter Sun Moon Mars             

 Planet Value Rasi Bhava Text
 Sun3.34103 Sun is Natural Malefic.
 Sun is in Third House (Neutral).
 Sun is in Sign of Sama Planet (Neither Friend nor Enemy).
 Sun is Lord of Tenth House (Positive).
 Moon3.14125 Moon is Natural Benefic.
 Moon is in Fifth House (Positive).
 Moon is in Sign of Shatru (Enemy).
 Moon is Lord of Ninth House (Positive).
 In Vargottama Sign.
 Mars7.6681 Mars is in own House.
 Mars is Natural Malefic.
 Mars is in First House (Highly Positive).
 Mars is Lord of First House (Highly Positive).
 Mars is Lord of Sixth House (Negative).
 Saha Yogi.
 Mercury-3.69103 Mercury is Natural Benefic.
 Mercury is in Third House (Neutral).
 Mercury is in Sign of Mitra (Friend).
 Mercury is Lord of Eighth House (Negative).
 Mercury is Lord of Eleventh House (Negative).
 Jupiter8.8125 Jupiter is in own House.
 Jupiter is Natural Benefic.
 Jupiter is in Fifth House (Positive).
 Jupiter is Lord of Second House (Positive).
 Jupiter is Lord of Fifth House (Positive).
 In Vargottama Sign.
 Venus5.48114 Venus is Natural Benefic.
 Venus is in Fourth House (Positive).
 Venus is in Sign of Adhimitra (Best Friend)
 Venus is Lord of Seventh House (Negative).
 Venus is Lord of Twelfth House (Negative).
 Saturn0.5292 Saturn is Natural Malefic.
 Saturn is in Second House (Neutral).
 Saturn is in Sign of Mitra (Friend).
 Saturn is Lord of Third House (Negative).
 Saturn is Lord of Fourth House (Positive).
 Rahu-3125 Rahu is retrograde.
 Rahu is Natural Malefic.
 Rahu is in Fifth House (Positive).
 Ava Yogi.
 Ketu-1.5611 Ketu is retrograde.
 Ketu is Natural Malefic.
 Ketu is in Eleventh House (Neutral).

 Bhava Value Sign Planets in Bhava Bhava Lord Aspect on Bhava
 First16.728Mars MarsJupiter
 Second6.329Saturn Jupiter      
 Third-2.8310Sun Mercury Saturn      
 Fourth7.0911Venus SaturnMars Saturn
 Fifth13.9912Moon Jupiter Rahu JupiterKetu
 Sixth4.661      Mars      
 Seventh6.312      VenusMars
 Eighth-2.63      MercuryMars Saturn
 Ninth4.374      MoonSun Mercury Jupiter
 Tenth3.085      SunVenus
 Eleventh-3.466Ketu MercuryMoon Jupiter Saturn Rahu
 Twelfth2.487      Venus      

 No  Planet Longitude Degree  Karaka Name  Short Name
1 Jupiter358 45 29.0028 45 29.0 Atma AK
2 Mercury298 42 20.4028 42 20.4 Amatya AmK
3 Moon357 16 09.9027 16 09.9 Bhratri BK
4 Venus317 28 59.6017 28 59.6 Matri MK
5 Mars227 07 30.7017 07 30.7 Putra PK
6 Sun280 23 09.0010 23 09.0 Gnati GK
7 Saturn244 24 35.7004 24 35.7 Dara DK

Number Inauspicious Yoga
1 Birth in Naga Dosha 3: Jupiter is associated with Rahu and the lord of Ascendant is with Mars.
2 Birth in Naga Dosha 8b: Jupiter is associated with Rahu and the lord of the fifth is in conjunction with Mars or Rahu.
3 Birth in Naga Dosha 8d: Jupiter is associated with Rahu and the lord of the fifth is in conjunction with Jupiter or Rahu.

Number Auspicious Yoga
1  Ravi Yoga: Power to destroy all malefic effects. Celebrities born in this yoga are Sri Aurobindo, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Jayaprakash Narayan and Bhimsen Joshi.
2  Gajakesari Yoga: Wealthy, intelligent and endowed with many virtues. Celebrities born in this yoga are Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo and Albert Einstein.
3  Anapha Yoga: Virtuous, famous, charming and likely to be blessed with all type of happiness. Celebrities born in this yoga are Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Theodore Roosevelt (US President and Nobel Laureate).
4  Vesi Yoga: Likely to be fortunate, happy and famous. Celebrities born in this yoga are Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, George Washington (First US President) and Abraham Lincoln.
5  Vasi Yoga: Likely to be endowed with fame and power. Celebrities born in this yoga are Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Sri Aurobindo and George Washington (First US President).
6  Ubhayachari Yoga: Likely to become very famous and successful. Celebrities born in this yoga are Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, George Washington (First US President) and C. Rajagopalachari.
7  Ruchaka Yoga: Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga - Likely to be hightly intelligent. Celebrities born in this yoga are Isaac Newton, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and V. V. Giri.
8  Budha Aditya Yoga: Likely to have good reputation and enjoy all comforts and happiness. Celebrities born in this yoga are Isaac Newton, Abraham Lincoln and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.
9  Parijatha Yoga: Likely to be generous and famous. Celebrities born in this yoga are Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore and George Washington (First US President).
10  Kahala Yoga: Likely to be aggressive and courageous when required. Expected to have material possessions like houses and vehicles. Celebrities born in this yoga are Isaac Newton, George Washington (First US President) and Theodore Roosevelt (US President and Nobel Laureate).
11  Varishta Yoga: Likely to have excellent amount of wealth and intelligence. Celebrities born in this yoga are Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt (US President and Nobel Laureate) and Rabindranath Tagore.
12  Raja Yoga 5: If Lord of fifth house and Lord of ninth house are in conjunction, the native is likely to highly successful and endowed with wealth. Celebrities born in this yoga are Sri Aurobindo, Albert Einstein, Paramahansa Yogananda and Mother Teresa.
13  Dhana Yoga 23: If Jupiter is in own house and Moon is in fifth house, the native is likely to be endowed with wealth.
14  Intelligence Yoga 2: If Jupiter occupy a Kendra or Trine house, the native is likely to be intelligent. Celebrities born in this yoga are Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.
15  Fortune Yoga 8: If ninth house is aspected by either Jupiter or Venus, the native is likely to be fortunate. Celebrities born in this yoga are Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Rabindranath Tagore and Sri Aurobindo.

Rasi - Body
1 2 3 4 5 Ketu6 7 Mar8 Sat9 Sun Mer10 Ven11 Moo Jup Rahu12

Navamsa - Spouse
Sun1 Sat2 3 Rahu4 5 Mer6 7 8 Mar9 Ketu10 11 Moo Jup Ven12

Drekkana - Brother
1 Sun2 Ven3 4 5 Mer Ketu6 7 Moo Jup8 Sat9 10 11 Mar Rahu12

Chaturthamsa - Fortune
Sun1 Mar2 3 4 Ven5 Ketu6 Mer7 8 Moo Jup Sat9 10 11 Rahu12

Panchamsa - Spiritual
1 Mar Mer Ketu2 3 4 Ven Sat5 6 7 Rahu8 9 10 Sun11 Moo Jup12

Sasthamsa - Health
Sat Ketu1 2 3 Ven4 5 6 Rahu7 8 Sun9 Mar10 11 Moo Mer Jup12

Sapthamsa - Issues
1 2 Ven3 4 Mar5 Sun Rahu6 7 8 9 Mer Sat10 11 Moo Jup Ketu12

Ashtamsa - Longevity
Mar Ven1 2 Sun3 4 Rahu5 Sat6 7 Mer8 9 10 Ketu11 Moo Jup12

Dasamsa - Profession
1 Ketu2 Mer3 Ven4 Moo Jup5 6 7 Rahu8 Sun Mar9 Sat10 11 12

Ekadasamsa - Pleasure
1 Mer Rahu2 3 4 5 Sat6 Sun7 Ketu8 Ven9 10 Moo11 Mar Jup12

Dwadasamsa - Parents
1 Sun Mar2 3 4 Ven5 Ketu6 7 8 Mer9 Moo Sat10 Jup11 Rahu12

Shodasamsa - Desire
1 Mar Ven2 Ketu3 Mer4 5 Sun6 7 8 Rahu9 10 Moo Sat11 Jup12

Vimsamsa - Vehicle
1 2 3 4 Rahu5 6 Sun Sat7 Mar Mer Ven8 9 10 Moo Ketu11 Jup12

Chaturvimsamsa - Education
Moo1 Mer2 Jup3 Rahu4 Mar5 Ven6 7 Sat8 9 Ketu10 11 Sun12

Bhamsa - Strength
Sun Mar1 2 3 Sat Ketu4 Mer5 6 7 8 9 Moo Ven Rahu10 Jup11 12

Trimsamsa - Destiny
Sat1 Rahu2 3 4 5 6 7 Moo Mer Jup Ketu8 Ven9 10 11 Sun Mar12

Khavedamsa - Auspicious
Ketu1 2 3 4 Mar5 Sat6 Moo Rahu7 Sun8 Mer Jup9 10 11 Ven12

Akshavedamsa - Character
Moo1 2 Sat3 Sun Jup Ketu4 5 Mar6 Ven7 Mer8 9 Rahu10 11 12

Shashtyamsa - All
Rahu1 2 3 4 Sat5 Sun Moo Mar6 Mer Ketu7 8 Jup Ven9 10 11 12

D-1800 Pranamsa
Sat1 2 3 4 Moo Ven5 Rahu6 Mer7 Mar8 9 Jup10 11 Sun Ketu12

 Total 25 25 26 24 34 33 29 31 29 33 24 24



 Planets Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
 Rasi 128851111096467143
 Graha 56404651364377


You will find that one part of a prediction will be apparently in direct contradiction to a statement made in another part of the same prediction. The fact is, some such contradictions as these exist in every nature, and are to be found in even the best balanced characters. In some, these paradoxical contradictions are more marked, and where that is so Astrology shows the nature of two opposing tendencies, and points out which is likely to win. While going through these predictions, please also go through the strength and net benefic given, so that you can find out which part of prediction will be more applicable to you.

The predictions should be treated with discretion. Astrology can provide you only indication. Who else, except the creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen? We do not guarantee any of its forecasts and assumes no responsibility for any of your action taken based on these predictions.

Secretive, stubborn, strong willed, selfish, short tempered, confident, internally bold, sarcastic, fond of change, mystery, occult facinated, fixed, research minded, quarrelsome, do not believe in old theories and customs without reasoning, highly imaginative, proud, destructive or creative based on environments, irresistible, some times rude and goes to extremes both in pleasures and work - are the major qualities of your sign. Psychic, generative, clairvoyant are the labels against your name. You are reserved critical and believer of divine or devil existence. You are passionate, revengeful but self- controlled.

FORTUNE TREND: You are extreme either for pleasure or pain. Your fortune is through personal endurance. Finance is wavering. Unfortunate at early age. Lucky at middle age. Few brothers or sisters. Your luck is not at your birth place. Influence through marriage, earnings through children and involving in business through associates or indulging in secret love affair are noticed. If your morality is developed you gain, wealth, respect and receive honours. Father not fortunate and may not leave any inheritance. Journeys are unfortunate. Next borns are unlucky (if they are males). You will earn a lot and spend a lot.

As your Sun in Capricorn, the tenth sign of the Zodiac, it reaches the heights of the wheel of life, and brings with the winter of effort and work. Knowing its time is short, it tends to sternness and severity, standing on its own accomplishment and self-discipline.

You are reliable and trustworthy. You are very fast in taking decision. You are known for firm mindedness and tactfulness and the quick and correct decisions you take. You think of all the pros and cons while deciding and you never go wrong in your calculations. Your decisions are not only firm, correct and tactful but also are very much practical. Your way of judging things, makes others appreciate your firmness and practicability.

The combination of Moon and Pisces, makes you person who has an instinct to get ideas very quickly. You get lot of ideas within a fraction of a second. Your receptive nature makes you learned and scholarly. You have high ideals and you work hard in order to achieve them. Life to you is full of ideas and ideals.

You are kind and sympathetic in your relations with others. This kind of approach towards people make you a distinguished personality. You help others a lot at the time of their difficulties. You are somewhat aiding and nursing for others. You can somehow make out that people around you are going to face troubles and you will prepared to help them out up to the maximum possible extent. You are person who can understand others and hence you are a person with high emotions and super- sensitiveness. This no doubt brings you name and fame both at home and also in the society. But you on your own will be a person keeping sorrows for yourself and sharing happiness. You think a lot about your emotions and also regarding others. This kind of thinking may be understood as depression or nervous breakdown by others.

Mars coupled with Scorpio, makes you a powerful person. You have deep emotions which you will not be able to control many a times. You have a strong inclination towards survival, and your emotions may come in your way. This kind of nature makes you serious and also gives you a serious outlook. People give you respect. but, at most of the times, are not friendly with you, because you are somewhat serious and people dare to talk to you in a friendly manner. On the other hand, you are very helpful to people not in good condition.

You have a never forgetting memory. You are clever in your action and diplomatic in your dealings. Your never forgetting memory, cleverness and diplomacy make you an outstanding person. But you do not wish to share some of your experiences with others. You think that this kind of exposure will bring you losses. But people take it as secrecy. They feel that you have a very secret issue, which you never like to share with them. But in fact, there is nothing as such.

You are methodical and conservative, as a result of your Mercury having occupied Capricorn. You act with a well planned attitude. You are always particular about the way in which things should be done. You always choose the best. But still you manage to spend the least. You spend when it is necessary to spend. You do not like to spend on articles which are of no use. You are conservative not only with respect to money but also with any other precious resources.

You have great ambitions in life. You work very hard to achieve your goals. In fact you have you own way of achieving goals, and usually do not give ears to others comments. As you have ability to work in a methodical manner choosing the optimal way, you always think of having a business of your own since your young age. As a result, you may become a big businesswoman in later part of your life. You know the tactics of business; you will certainly come up in business.

Jupiter in Pisces is at home. So you are compassionate, humane and sympathetic. You have good relations with people. You have respect in society because of your human nature and sympathetic feelings. You are very compassionate especially in your family matters. You will come up in life because of your humane relations with people. You are a lover of peace and harmony and you do not like violence. This is the reason why you will be friendly with almost all people around you.

You feel that the society, in which you live, is not suitable for you in all respects. You choose a particular way of life which is clear and definite. You think that by leading such a kind of life, you will achieve your goals more quickly and efficiently.

Your Venus is in Aquarius. As a result you are self-sacrificing, seeking and flashing. You sacrifice everything for the sake of others. You will be known for your sacrifices both at home and also in public. In other words, you are serving the public weal, while faithful and enduring to private circumstances. Thus you will be loved and respected by your relatives as well as you friends.

You are very much helpful and love peace and harmony. You have humanitarin relations with everyone around you. You do not like violence and bloodshed. You postpone the occurrence of violence as far as possible. Your inclination towards being harmonious and peaceful makes you a person who is loved by all.

Your Saturn has occupied Sagittarius in your horoscope. As a result, you are idealistic, patient and humane. Your patience is well known both at home as well as in public. You will have patience up to the maximum possible extent. Thus you have humane relations with almost all people around you. You never try to quarrel with people. Somehow you make treaties and cope up with people peacefully and harmoniously. You are a lover of peace. You avoid violence from taking peace, and try very hard to postpone it up to the maximum possible extent, if it is not possible to avoid it completely.

You are very active at your work. You never sit ideal. You like always to be engaged in some work or the other. You keep working industriously, day and night. You are clever and intelligent. Hence you will be in a position to handle matters with tactfulness and care. You will not think of running away from hurdles. You have the guts to face them and will not be mentally disturbed by such hurdles. In fact, you feel delighted to fact them.

Your Rahu is in Pisces. As a result you are a lover of peace and harmony. You do not wish to have violence both at home and also in the society. You have good humanitarin relation with people around you. As a result, people respect you. You are well-behaved and intelligent. You will do well in your academics and also in your future life because of your intelligence. Your good behaviour is admired by everybody. You know the way in which you should speak in different situations and with various people. You attract people by your behaviour and good speech.

You love nature. You wish to visit places wherein you can see nature in different forms. You are fond of traveling and seeing new places. you are also an admirer of nature. As a result, you may be good in composing poems, writing stories or novels regarding nature. You are inclined towards arts since your childhood. As a result, you may be good in various art forms such as singing, dancing etc.

Your Ketu is in Virgo. As a result, you do not have good health, some disease may trouble you now and then. As a result, you lack knowledge of many subjects. You will not be aware of many latest modifications which keep occurring everyday. Most of the times you will not feel afresh and are always affected with diseases, especially those connectedwith digestion, such as gasteritis, acidity, pain in stomach and intestine etc.

Mercury Dasa25 Jan 1988 To 19 Jul 1991

 Jupiter Subdasa 25 Jan 1988 To10 Nov 1988
 Venus Antar 25 Jan 1988  To 01 Feb 1988
 Sun Antar 01 Feb 1988  To 12 Mar 1988
 Moon Antar 12 Mar 1988  To 20 May 1988
 Mars Antar 20 May 1988  To 07 Jul 1988
 Rahu Antar 07 Jul 1988  To 10 Nov 1988

 Saturn Subdasa10 Nov 1988 To 19 Jul 1991     
 Saturn Antar 10 Nov 1988  To 13 Apr 1989
 Mercury Antar 13 Apr 1989  To 01 Sep 1989
 Ketu Antar 01 Sep 1989  To 27 Oct 1989
 Venus Antar 27 Oct 1989  To 09 Apr 1990
 Sun Antar 09 Apr 1990  To 27 May 1990
 Moon Antar 27 May 1990  To 18 Aug 1990
 Mars Antar 18 Aug 1990  To 14 Oct 1990
 Rahu Antar 14 Oct 1990  To 10 Mar 1991
 Jupiter Antar 10 Mar 1991  To 19 Jul 1991

The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of native.

Ketu Dasa19 Jul 1991 To 19 Jul 1998
 Ketu Subdasa19 Jul 1991 To 16 Dec 1991      Venus Subdasa 16 Dec 1991 To16 Feb 1993
 Ketu Antar 19 Jul 1991  To 27 Jul 1991  Venus Antar 16 Dec 1991  To 26 Feb 1992
 Venus Antar 27 Jul 1991  To 22 Aug 1991  Sun Antar 26 Feb 1992  To 17 Mar 1992
 Sun Antar 22 Aug 1991  To 29 Aug 1991  Moon Antar 17 Mar 1992  To 22 Apr 1992
 Moon Antar 29 Aug 1991  To 12 Sep 1991  Mars Antar 22 Apr 1992  To 16 May 1992
 Mars Antar 12 Sep 1991  To 20 Sep 1991  Rahu Antar 16 May 1992  To 19 Jul 1992
 Rahu Antar 20 Sep 1991  To 12 Oct 1991  Jupiter Antar 19 Jul 1992  To 15 Sep 1992
 Jupiter Antar 12 Oct 1991  To 02 Nov 1991  Saturn Antar 15 Sep 1992  To 22 Nov 1992
 Saturn Antar 02 Nov 1991  To 25 Nov 1991  Mercury Antar 22 Nov 1992  To 21 Jan 1993
 Mercury Antar 25 Nov 1991  To 16 Dec 1991  Ketu Antar 21 Jan 1993  To 16 Feb 1993

 Sun Subdasa16 Feb 1993 To 22 Jun 1993      Moon Subdasa 22 Jun 1993 To22 Jan 1994
 Sun Antar 16 Feb 1993  To 22 Feb 1993  Moon Antar 22 Jun 1993  To 09 Jul 1993
 Moon Antar 22 Feb 1993  To 03 Mar 1993  Mars Antar 09 Jul 1993  To 22 Jul 1993
 Mars Antar 03 Mar 1993  To 10 Mar 1993  Rahu Antar 22 Jul 1993  To 23 Aug 1993
 Rahu Antar 10 Mar 1993  To 29 Mar 1993  Jupiter Antar 23 Aug 1993  To 21 Sep 1993
 Jupiter Antar 29 Mar 1993  To 16 Apr 1993  Saturn Antar 21 Sep 1993  To 24 Oct 1993
 Saturn Antar 16 Apr 1993  To 06 May 1993  Mercury Antar 24 Oct 1993  To 24 Nov 1993
 Mercury Antar 06 May 1993  To 23 May 1993  Ketu Antar 24 Nov 1993  To 06 Dec 1993
 Ketu Antar 23 May 1993  To 01 Jun 1993  Venus Antar 06 Dec 1993  To 11 Jan 1994
 Venus Antar 01 Jun 1993  To 22 Jun 1993  Sun Antar 11 Jan 1994  To 22 Jan 1994

 Mars Subdasa22 Jan 1994 To 19 Jun 1994      Rahu Subdasa 19 Jun 1994 To07 Jul 1995
 Mars Antar 22 Jan 1994  To 30 Jan 1994  Rahu Antar 19 Jun 1994  To 16 Aug 1994
 Rahu Antar 30 Jan 1994  To 22 Feb 1994  Jupiter Antar 16 Aug 1994  To 06 Oct 1994
 Jupiter Antar 22 Feb 1994  To 12 Mar 1994  Saturn Antar 06 Oct 1994  To 06 Dec 1994
 Saturn Antar 12 Mar 1994  To 05 Apr 1994  Mercury Antar 06 Dec 1994  To 29 Jan 1995
 Mercury Antar 05 Apr 1994  To 26 Apr 1994  Ketu Antar 29 Jan 1995  To 21 Feb 1995
 Ketu Antar 26 Apr 1994  To 05 May 1994  Venus Antar 21 Feb 1995  To 24 Apr 1995
 Venus Antar 05 May 1994  To 29 May 1994  Sun Antar 24 Apr 1995  To 13 May 1995
 Sun Antar 29 May 1994  To 07 Jun 1994  Moon Antar 13 May 1995  To 15 Jun 1995
 Moon Antar 07 Jun 1994  To 19 Jun 1994  Mars Antar 15 Jun 1995  To 07 Jul 1995

 Jupiter Subdasa07 Jul 1995 To 13 Jun 1996      Saturn Subdasa 13 Jun 1996 To22 Jul 1997
 Jupiter Antar 07 Jul 1995  To 22 Aug 1995  Saturn Antar 13 Jun 1996  To 16 Aug 1996
 Saturn Antar 22 Aug 1995  To 15 Oct 1995  Mercury Antar 16 Aug 1996  To 13 Oct 1996
 Mercury Antar 15 Oct 1995  To 02 Dec 1995  Ketu Antar 13 Oct 1996  To 06 Nov 1996
 Ketu Antar 02 Dec 1995  To 22 Dec 1995  Venus Antar 06 Nov 1996  To 12 Jan 1997
 Venus Antar 22 Dec 1995  To 18 Feb 1996  Sun Antar 12 Jan 1997  To 02 Feb 1997
 Sun Antar 18 Feb 1996  To 05 Mar 1996  Moon Antar 02 Feb 1997  To 06 Mar 1997
 Moon Antar 05 Mar 1996  To 03 Apr 1996  Mars Antar 06 Mar 1997  To 29 Mar 1997
 Mars Antar 03 Apr 1996  To 22 Apr 1996  Rahu Antar 29 Mar 1997  To 29 May 1997
 Rahu Antar 22 Apr 1996  To 13 Jun 1996  Jupiter Antar 29 May 1997  To 22 Jul 1997

 Mercury Subdasa22 Jul 1997 To 19 Jul 1998     
 Mercury Antar 22 Jul 1997  To 12 Sep 1997
 Ketu Antar 12 Sep 1997  To 03 Oct 1997
 Venus Antar 03 Oct 1997  To 03 Dec 1997
 Sun Antar 03 Dec 1997  To 21 Dec 1997
 Moon Antar 21 Dec 1997  To 20 Jan 1998
 Mars Antar 20 Jan 1998  To 11 Feb 1998
 Rahu Antar 11 Feb 1998  To 05 Apr 1998
 Jupiter Antar 05 Apr 1998  To 22 May 1998
 Saturn Antar 22 May 1998  To 19 Jul 1998

The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of native.

Venus Dasa19 Jul 1998 To 19 Jul 2018
 Venus Subdasa19 Jul 1998 To 19 Nov 2001      Sun Subdasa 19 Nov 2001 To19 Nov 2002
 Venus Antar 19 Jul 1998  To 09 Feb 1999  Sun Antar 19 Nov 2001  To 07 Dec 2001
 Sun Antar 09 Feb 1999  To 09 Apr 1999  Moon Antar 07 Dec 2001  To 07 Jan 2002
 Moon Antar 09 Apr 1999  To 19 Jul 1999  Mars Antar 07 Jan 2002  To 28 Jan 2002
 Mars Antar 19 Jul 1999  To 29 Sep 1999  Rahu Antar 28 Jan 2002  To 22 Mar 2002
 Rahu Antar 29 Sep 1999  To 29 Mar 2000  Jupiter Antar 22 Mar 2002  To 10 May 2002
 Jupiter Antar 29 Mar 2000  To 09 Sep 2000  Saturn Antar 10 May 2002  To 07 Jul 2002
 Saturn Antar 09 Sep 2000  To 19 Mar 2001  Mercury Antar 07 Jul 2002  To 28 Aug 2002
 Mercury Antar 19 Mar 2001  To 09 Sep 2001  Ketu Antar 28 Aug 2002  To 19 Sep 2002
 Ketu Antar 09 Sep 2001  To 19 Nov 2001  Venus Antar 19 Sep 2002  To 19 Nov 2002

 Moon Subdasa19 Nov 2002 To 19 Jul 2004      Mars Subdasa 19 Jul 2004 To19 Sep 2005
 Moon Antar 19 Nov 2002  To 09 Jan 2003  Mars Antar 19 Jul 2004  To 13 Aug 2004
 Mars Antar 09 Jan 2003  To 14 Feb 2003  Rahu Antar 13 Aug 2004  To 16 Oct 2004
 Rahu Antar 14 Feb 2003  To 14 May 2003  Jupiter Antar 16 Oct 2004  To 12 Dec 2004
 Jupiter Antar 14 May 2003  To 04 Aug 2003  Saturn Antar 12 Dec 2004  To 19 Feb 2005
 Saturn Antar 04 Aug 2003  To 09 Nov 2003  Mercury Antar 19 Feb 2005  To 18 Apr 2005
 Mercury Antar 09 Nov 2003  To 04 Feb 2004  Ketu Antar 18 Apr 2005  To 13 May 2005
 Ketu Antar 04 Feb 2004  To 09 Mar 2004  Venus Antar 13 May 2005  To 23 Jul 2005
 Venus Antar 09 Mar 2004  To 19 Jun 2004  Sun Antar 23 Jul 2005  To 14 Aug 2005
 Sun Antar 19 Jun 2004  To 19 Jul 2004  Moon Antar 14 Aug 2005  To 19 Sep 2005

 Rahu Subdasa19 Sep 2005 To 19 Sep 2008      Jupiter Subdasa 19 Sep 2008 To19 May 2011
 Rahu Antar 19 Sep 2005  To 01 Mar 2006  Jupiter Antar 19 Sep 2008  To 27 Jan 2009
 Jupiter Antar 01 Mar 2006  To 25 Jul 2006  Saturn Antar 27 Jan 2009  To 29 Jun 2009
 Saturn Antar 25 Jul 2006  To 16 Jan 2007  Mercury Antar 29 Jun 2009  To 15 Nov 2009
 Mercury Antar 16 Jan 2007  To 19 Jun 2007  Ketu Antar 15 Nov 2009  To 11 Jan 2010
 Ketu Antar 19 Jun 2007  To 22 Aug 2007  Venus Antar 11 Jan 2010  To 21 Jun 2010
 Venus Antar 22 Aug 2007  To 22 Feb 2008  Sun Antar 21 Jun 2010  To 09 Aug 2010
 Sun Antar 22 Feb 2008  To 16 Apr 2008  Moon Antar 09 Aug 2010  To 29 Oct 2010
 Moon Antar 16 Apr 2008  To 16 Jul 2008  Mars Antar 29 Oct 2010  To 25 Dec 2010
 Mars Antar 16 Jul 2008  To 19 Sep 2008  Rahu Antar 25 Dec 2010  To 19 May 2011

 Saturn Subdasa19 May 2011 To 19 Jul 2014      Mercury Subdasa 19 Jul 2014 To19 May 2017
 Saturn Antar 19 May 2011  To 19 Nov 2011  Mercury Antar 19 Jul 2014  To 13 Dec 2014
 Mercury Antar 19 Nov 2011  To 01 May 2012  Ketu Antar 13 Dec 2014  To 13 Feb 2015
 Ketu Antar 01 May 2012  To 07 Jul 2012  Venus Antar 13 Feb 2015  To 03 Aug 2015
 Venus Antar 07 Jul 2012  To 17 Jan 2013  Sun Antar 03 Aug 2015  To 24 Sep 2015
 Sun Antar 17 Jan 2013  To 14 Mar 2013  Moon Antar 24 Sep 2015  To 19 Dec 2015
 Moon Antar 14 Mar 2013  To 19 Jun 2013  Mars Antar 19 Dec 2015  To 18 Feb 2016
 Mars Antar 19 Jun 2013  To 26 Aug 2013  Rahu Antar 18 Feb 2016  To 21 Jul 2016
 Rahu Antar 26 Aug 2013  To 17 Feb 2014  Jupiter Antar 21 Jul 2016  To 07 Dec 2016
 Jupiter Antar 17 Feb 2014  To 19 Jul 2014  Saturn Antar 07 Dec 2016  To 19 May 2017

 Ketu Subdasa19 May 2017 To 19 Jul 2018     
 Ketu Antar 19 May 2017  To 13 Jun 2017
 Venus Antar 13 Jun 2017  To 23 Aug 2017
 Sun Antar 23 Aug 2017  To 14 Sep 2017
 Moon Antar 14 Sep 2017  To 19 Oct 2017
 Mars Antar 19 Oct 2017  To 14 Nov 2017
 Rahu Antar 14 Nov 2017  To 17 Jan 2018
 Jupiter Antar 17 Jan 2018  To 13 Mar 2018
 Saturn Antar 13 Mar 2018  To 19 May 2018
 Mercury Antar 19 May 2018  To 19 Jul 2018

The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of native.

Sun Dasa19 Jul 2018 To 19 Jul 2024
 Sun Subdasa19 Jul 2018 To 07 Nov 2018      Moon Subdasa 07 Nov 2018 To07 May 2019
 Sun Antar 19 Jul 2018  To 24 Jul 2018  Moon Antar 07 Nov 2018  To 22 Nov 2018
 Moon Antar 24 Jul 2018  To 03 Aug 2018  Mars Antar 22 Nov 2018  To 02 Dec 2018
 Mars Antar 03 Aug 2018  To 10 Aug 2018  Rahu Antar 02 Dec 2018  To 29 Dec 2018
 Rahu Antar 10 Aug 2018  To 26 Aug 2018  Jupiter Antar 29 Dec 2018  To 23 Jan 2019
 Jupiter Antar 26 Aug 2018  To 10 Sep 2018  Saturn Antar 23 Jan 2019  To 22 Feb 2019
 Saturn Antar 10 Sep 2018  To 27 Sep 2018  Mercury Antar 22 Feb 2019  To 17 Mar 2019
 Mercury Antar 27 Sep 2018  To 13 Oct 2018  Ketu Antar 17 Mar 2019  To 28 Mar 2019
 Ketu Antar 13 Oct 2018  To 19 Oct 2018  Venus Antar 28 Mar 2019  To 28 Apr 2019
 Venus Antar 19 Oct 2018  To 07 Nov 2018  Sun Antar 28 Apr 2019  To 07 May 2019

 Mars Subdasa07 May 2019 To 13 Sep 2019      Rahu Subdasa 13 Sep 2019 To07 Aug 2020
 Mars Antar 07 May 2019  To 14 May 2019  Rahu Antar 13 Sep 2019  To 01 Nov 2019
 Rahu Antar 14 May 2019  To 03 Jun 2019  Jupiter Antar 01 Nov 2019  To 15 Dec 2019
 Jupiter Antar 03 Jun 2019  To 20 Jun 2019  Saturn Antar 15 Dec 2019  To 06 Feb 2020
 Saturn Antar 20 Jun 2019  To 10 Jul 2019  Mercury Antar 06 Feb 2020  To 22 Mar 2020
 Mercury Antar 10 Jul 2019  To 28 Jul 2019  Ketu Antar 22 Mar 2020  To 11 Apr 2020
 Ketu Antar 28 Jul 2019  To 05 Aug 2019  Venus Antar 11 Apr 2020  To 05 Jun 2020
 Venus Antar 05 Aug 2019  To 26 Aug 2019  Sun Antar 05 Jun 2020  To 21 Jun 2020
 Sun Antar 26 Aug 2019  To 02 Sep 2019  Moon Antar 21 Jun 2020  To 18 Jul 2020
 Moon Antar 02 Sep 2019  To 13 Sep 2019  Mars Antar 18 Jul 2020  To 07 Aug 2020

 Jupiter Subdasa07 Aug 2020 To 25 May 2021      Saturn Subdasa 25 May 2021 To07 May 2022
 Jupiter Antar 07 Aug 2020  To 15 Sep 2020  Saturn Antar 25 May 2021  To 19 Jul 2021
 Saturn Antar 15 Sep 2020  To 01 Nov 2020  Mercury Antar 19 Jul 2021  To 07 Sep 2021
 Mercury Antar 01 Nov 2020  To 12 Dec 2020  Ketu Antar 07 Sep 2021  To 27 Sep 2021
 Ketu Antar 12 Dec 2020  To 28 Dec 2020  Venus Antar 27 Sep 2021  To 24 Nov 2021
 Venus Antar 28 Dec 2020  To 16 Feb 2021  Sun Antar 24 Nov 2021  To 11 Dec 2021
 Sun Antar 16 Feb 2021  To 01 Mar 2021  Moon Antar 11 Dec 2021  To 10 Jan 2022
 Moon Antar 01 Mar 2021  To 25 Mar 2021  Mars Antar 10 Jan 2022  To 30 Jan 2022
 Mars Antar 25 Mar 2021  To 12 Apr 2021  Rahu Antar 30 Jan 2022  To 21 Mar 2022
 Rahu Antar 12 Apr 2021  To 25 May 2021  Jupiter Antar 21 Mar 2022  To 07 May 2022

 Mercury Subdasa07 May 2022 To 13 Mar 2023      Ketu Subdasa 13 Mar 2023 To19 Jul 2023
 Mercury Antar 07 May 2022  To 20 Jun 2022  Ketu Antar 13 Mar 2023  To 20 Mar 2023
 Ketu Antar 20 Jun 2022  To 08 Jul 2022  Venus Antar 20 Mar 2023  To 11 Apr 2023
 Venus Antar 08 Jul 2022  To 29 Aug 2022  Sun Antar 11 Apr 2023  To 17 Apr 2023
 Sun Antar 29 Aug 2022  To 14 Sep 2022  Moon Antar 17 Apr 2023  To 28 Apr 2023
 Moon Antar 14 Sep 2022  To 10 Oct 2022  Mars Antar 28 Apr 2023  To 05 May 2023
 Mars Antar 10 Oct 2022  To 28 Oct 2022  Rahu Antar 05 May 2023  To 24 May 2023
 Rahu Antar 28 Oct 2022  To 14 Dec 2022  Jupiter Antar 24 May 2023  To 11 Jun 2023
 Jupiter Antar 14 Dec 2022  To 24 Jan 2023  Saturn Antar 11 Jun 2023  To 01 Jul 2023
 Saturn Antar 24 Jan 2023  To 13 Mar 2023  Mercury Antar 01 Jul 2023  To 19 Jul 2023

 Venus Subdasa19 Jul 2023 To 19 Jul 2024     
 Venus Antar 19 Jul 2023  To 19 Sep 2023
 Sun Antar 19 Sep 2023  To 07 Oct 2023
 Moon Antar 07 Oct 2023  To 07 Nov 2023
 Mars Antar 07 Nov 2023  To 28 Nov 2023
 Rahu Antar 28 Nov 2023  To 22 Jan 2024
 Jupiter Antar 22 Jan 2024  To 10 Mar 2024
 Saturn Antar 10 Mar 2024  To 07 May 2024
 Mercury Antar 07 May 2024  To 28 Jun 2024
 Ketu Antar 28 Jun 2024  To 19 Jul 2024

The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of native.

Moon Dasa19 Jul 2024 To 19 Jul 2034
 Moon Subdasa19 Jul 2024 To 19 May 2025      Mars Subdasa 19 May 2025 To19 Dec 2025
 Moon Antar 19 Jul 2024  To 14 Aug 2024  Mars Antar 19 May 2025  To 01 Jun 2025
 Mars Antar 14 Aug 2024  To 01 Sep 2024  Rahu Antar 01 Jun 2025  To 03 Jul 2025
 Rahu Antar 01 Sep 2024  To 16 Oct 2024  Jupiter Antar 03 Jul 2025  To 01 Aug 2025
 Jupiter Antar 16 Oct 2024  To 26 Nov 2024  Saturn Antar 01 Aug 2025  To 04 Sep 2025
 Saturn Antar 26 Nov 2024  To 14 Jan 2025  Mercury Antar 04 Sep 2025  To 04 Oct 2025
 Mercury Antar 14 Jan 2025  To 26 Feb 2025  Ketu Antar 04 Oct 2025  To 16 Oct 2025
 Ketu Antar 26 Feb 2025  To 14 Mar 2025  Venus Antar 16 Oct 2025  To 21 Nov 2025
 Venus Antar 14 Mar 2025  To 04 May 2025  Sun Antar 21 Nov 2025  To 01 Dec 2025
 Sun Antar 04 May 2025  To 19 May 2025  Moon Antar 01 Dec 2025  To 19 Dec 2025

 Rahu Subdasa19 Dec 2025 To 19 Jun 2027      Jupiter Subdasa 19 Jun 2027 To19 Oct 2028
 Rahu Antar 19 Dec 2025  To 10 Mar 2026  Jupiter Antar 19 Jun 2027  To 23 Aug 2027
 Jupiter Antar 10 Mar 2026  To 22 May 2026  Saturn Antar 23 Aug 2027  To 09 Nov 2027
 Saturn Antar 22 May 2026  To 17 Aug 2026  Mercury Antar 09 Nov 2027  To 17 Jan 2028
 Mercury Antar 17 Aug 2026  To 04 Nov 2026  Ketu Antar 17 Jan 2028  To 15 Feb 2028
 Ketu Antar 04 Nov 2026  To 05 Dec 2026  Venus Antar 15 Feb 2028  To 05 May 2028
 Venus Antar 05 Dec 2026  To 05 Mar 2027  Sun Antar 05 May 2028  To 29 May 2028
 Sun Antar 05 Mar 2027  To 02 Apr 2027  Moon Antar 29 May 2028  To 09 Jul 2028
 Moon Antar 02 Apr 2027  To 17 May 2027  Mars Antar 09 Jul 2028  To 07 Aug 2028
 Mars Antar 17 May 2027  To 19 Jun 2027  Rahu Antar 07 Aug 2028  To 19 Oct 2028

 Saturn Subdasa19 Oct 2028 To 19 May 2030      Mercury Subdasa 19 May 2030 To19 Oct 2031
 Saturn Antar 19 Oct 2028  To 19 Jan 2029  Mercury Antar 19 May 2030  To 01 Aug 2030
 Mercury Antar 19 Jan 2029  To 10 Apr 2029  Ketu Antar 01 Aug 2030  To 01 Sep 2030
 Ketu Antar 10 Apr 2029  To 13 May 2029  Venus Antar 01 Sep 2030  To 26 Nov 2030
 Venus Antar 13 May 2029  To 18 Aug 2029  Sun Antar 26 Nov 2030  To 21 Dec 2030
 Sun Antar 18 Aug 2029  To 17 Sep 2029  Moon Antar 21 Dec 2030  To 04 Feb 2031
 Moon Antar 17 Sep 2029  To 04 Nov 2029  Mars Antar 04 Feb 2031  To 04 Mar 2031
 Mars Antar 04 Nov 2029  To 07 Dec 2029  Rahu Antar 04 Mar 2031  To 20 May 2031
 Rahu Antar 07 Dec 2029  To 03 Mar 2030  Jupiter Antar 20 May 2031  To 28 Jul 2031
 Jupiter Antar 03 Mar 2030  To 19 May 2030  Saturn Antar 28 Jul 2031  To 19 Oct 2031

 Ketu Subdasa19 Oct 2031 To 19 May 2032      Venus Subdasa 19 May 2032 To19 Jan 2034
 Ketu Antar 19 Oct 2031  To 01 Nov 2031  Venus Antar 19 May 2032  To 29 Aug 2032
 Venus Antar 01 Nov 2031  To 06 Dec 2031  Sun Antar 29 Aug 2032  To 29 Sep 2032
 Sun Antar 06 Dec 2031  To 17 Dec 2031  Moon Antar 29 Sep 2032  To 19 Nov 2032
 Moon Antar 17 Dec 2031  To 04 Jan 2032  Mars Antar 19 Nov 2032  To 24 Dec 2032
 Mars Antar 04 Jan 2032  To 16 Jan 2032  Rahu Antar 24 Dec 2032  To 24 Mar 2033
 Rahu Antar 16 Jan 2032  To 18 Feb 2032  Jupiter Antar 24 Mar 2033  To 14 Jun 2033
 Jupiter Antar 18 Feb 2032  To 16 Mar 2032  Saturn Antar 14 Jun 2033  To 19 Sep 2033
 Saturn Antar 16 Mar 2032  To 19 Apr 2032  Mercury Antar 19 Sep 2033  To 14 Dec 2033
 Mercury Antar 19 Apr 2032  To 19 May 2032  Ketu Antar 14 Dec 2033  To 19 Jan 2034

 Sun Subdasa19 Jan 2034 To 19 Jul 2034     
 Sun Antar 19 Jan 2034  To 28 Jan 2034
 Moon Antar 28 Jan 2034  To 13 Feb 2034
 Mars Antar 13 Feb 2034  To 23 Feb 2034
 Rahu Antar 23 Feb 2034  To 20 Mar 2034
 Jupiter Antar 20 Mar 2034  To 14 Apr 2034
 Saturn Antar 14 Apr 2034  To 13 May 2034
 Mercury Antar 13 May 2034  To 08 Jun 2034
 Ketu Antar 08 Jun 2034  To 19 Jun 2034
 Venus Antar 19 Jun 2034  To 19 Jul 2034

The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of native.

Mars Dasa19 Jul 2034 To 19 Jul 2041
 Mars Subdasa19 Jul 2034 To 16 Dec 2034      Rahu Subdasa 16 Dec 2034 To04 Jan 2036
 Mars Antar 19 Jul 2034  To 27 Jul 2034  Rahu Antar 16 Dec 2034  To 13 Feb 2035
 Rahu Antar 27 Jul 2034  To 19 Aug 2034  Jupiter Antar 13 Feb 2035  To 03 Apr 2035
 Jupiter Antar 19 Aug 2034  To 09 Sep 2034  Saturn Antar 03 Apr 2035  To 03 Jun 2035
 Saturn Antar 09 Sep 2034  To 02 Oct 2034  Mercury Antar 03 Jun 2035  To 26 Jul 2035
 Mercury Antar 02 Oct 2034  To 23 Oct 2034  Ketu Antar 26 Jul 2035  To 18 Aug 2035
 Ketu Antar 23 Oct 2034  To 02 Nov 2034  Venus Antar 18 Aug 2035  To 21 Oct 2035
 Venus Antar 02 Nov 2034  To 26 Nov 2034  Sun Antar 21 Oct 2035  To 10 Nov 2035
 Sun Antar 26 Nov 2034  To 04 Dec 2034  Moon Antar 10 Nov 2035  To 12 Dec 2035
 Moon Antar 04 Dec 2034  To 16 Dec 2034  Mars Antar 12 Dec 2035  To 04 Jan 2036

 Jupiter Subdasa04 Jan 2036 To 10 Dec 2036      Saturn Subdasa 10 Dec 2036 To19 Jan 2038
 Jupiter Antar 04 Jan 2036  To 19 Feb 2036  Saturn Antar 10 Dec 2036  To 13 Feb 2037
 Saturn Antar 19 Feb 2036  To 12 Apr 2036  Mercury Antar 13 Feb 2037  To 10 Apr 2037
 Mercury Antar 12 Apr 2036  To 29 May 2036  Ketu Antar 10 Apr 2037  To 03 May 2037
 Ketu Antar 29 May 2036  To 19 Jun 2036  Venus Antar 03 May 2037  To 09 Jul 2037
 Venus Antar 19 Jun 2036  To 15 Aug 2036  Sun Antar 09 Jul 2037  To 29 Jul 2037
 Sun Antar 15 Aug 2036  To 02 Sep 2036  Moon Antar 29 Jul 2037  To 03 Sep 2037
 Moon Antar 02 Sep 2036  To 30 Sep 2036  Mars Antar 03 Sep 2037  To 26 Sep 2037
 Mars Antar 30 Sep 2036  To 19 Oct 2036  Rahu Antar 26 Sep 2037  To 26 Nov 2037
 Rahu Antar 19 Oct 2036  To 10 Dec 2036  Jupiter Antar 26 Nov 2037  To 19 Jan 2038

 Mercury Subdasa19 Jan 2038 To 16 Jan 2039      Ketu Subdasa 16 Jan 2039 To13 Jun 2039
 Mercury Antar 19 Jan 2038  To 09 Mar 2038  Ketu Antar 16 Jan 2039  To 24 Jan 2039
 Ketu Antar 09 Mar 2038  To 30 Mar 2038  Venus Antar 24 Jan 2039  To 19 Feb 2039
 Venus Antar 30 Mar 2038  To 30 May 2038  Sun Antar 19 Feb 2039  To 26 Feb 2039
 Sun Antar 30 May 2038  To 18 Jun 2038  Moon Antar 26 Feb 2039  To 09 Mar 2039
 Moon Antar 18 Jun 2038  To 17 Jul 2038  Mars Antar 09 Mar 2039  To 17 Mar 2039
 Mars Antar 17 Jul 2038  To 08 Aug 2038  Rahu Antar 17 Mar 2039  To 09 Apr 2039
 Rahu Antar 08 Aug 2038  To 02 Oct 2038  Jupiter Antar 09 Apr 2039  To 29 Apr 2039
 Jupiter Antar 02 Oct 2038  To 19 Nov 2038  Saturn Antar 29 Apr 2039  To 22 May 2039
 Saturn Antar 19 Nov 2038  To 16 Jan 2039  Mercury Antar 22 May 2039  To 13 Jun 2039

 Venus Subdasa13 Jun 2039 To 13 Aug 2040      Sun Subdasa 13 Aug 2040 To19 Dec 2040
 Venus Antar 13 Jun 2039  To 23 Aug 2039  Sun Antar 13 Aug 2040  To 19 Aug 2040
 Sun Antar 23 Aug 2039  To 14 Sep 2039  Moon Antar 19 Aug 2040  To 30 Aug 2040
 Moon Antar 14 Sep 2039  To 19 Oct 2039  Mars Antar 30 Aug 2040  To 07 Sep 2040
 Mars Antar 19 Oct 2039  To 13 Nov 2039  Rahu Antar 07 Sep 2040  To 26 Sep 2040
 Rahu Antar 13 Nov 2039  To 16 Jan 2040  Jupiter Antar 26 Sep 2040  To 13 Oct 2040
 Jupiter Antar 16 Jan 2040  To 12 Mar 2040  Saturn Antar 13 Oct 2040  To 03 Nov 2040
 Saturn Antar 12 Mar 2040  To 19 May 2040  Mercury Antar 03 Nov 2040  To 20 Nov 2040
 Mercury Antar 19 May 2040  To 18 Jul 2040  Ketu Antar 20 Nov 2040  To 28 Nov 2040
 Ketu Antar 18 Jul 2040  To 13 Aug 2040  Venus Antar 28 Nov 2040  To 19 Dec 2040

 Moon Subdasa19 Dec 2040 To 19 Jul 2041     
 Moon Antar 19 Dec 2040  To 06 Jan 2041
 Mars Antar 06 Jan 2041  To 19 Jan 2041
 Rahu Antar 19 Jan 2041  To 20 Feb 2041
 Jupiter Antar 20 Feb 2041  To 18 Mar 2041
 Saturn Antar 18 Mar 2041  To 21 Apr 2041
 Mercury Antar 21 Apr 2041  To 21 May 2041
 Ketu Antar 21 May 2041  To 03 Jun 2041
 Venus Antar 03 Jun 2041  To 08 Jul 2041
 Sun Antar 08 Jul 2041  To 19 Jul 2041

The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of native.

Rahu Dasa19 Jul 2041 To 19 Jul 2059
 Rahu Subdasa19 Jul 2041 To 01 Apr 2044      Jupiter Subdasa 01 Apr 2044 To25 Aug 2046
 Rahu Antar 19 Jul 2041  To 15 Dec 2041  Jupiter Antar 01 Apr 2044  To 26 Jul 2044
 Jupiter Antar 15 Dec 2041  To 24 Apr 2042  Saturn Antar 26 Jul 2044  To 13 Dec 2044
 Saturn Antar 24 Apr 2042  To 28 Sep 2042  Mercury Antar 13 Dec 2044  To 15 Apr 2045
 Mercury Antar 28 Sep 2042  To 16 Feb 2043  Ketu Antar 15 Apr 2045  To 06 Jun 2045
 Ketu Antar 16 Feb 2043  To 13 Apr 2043  Venus Antar 06 Jun 2045  To 30 Oct 2045
 Venus Antar 13 Apr 2043  To 25 Sep 2043  Sun Antar 30 Oct 2045  To 13 Dec 2045
 Sun Antar 25 Sep 2043  To 13 Nov 2043  Moon Antar 13 Dec 2045  To 25 Feb 2046
 Moon Antar 13 Nov 2043  To 04 Feb 2044  Mars Antar 25 Feb 2046  To 15 Apr 2046
 Mars Antar 04 Feb 2044  To 01 Apr 2044  Rahu Antar 15 Apr 2046  To 25 Aug 2046

 Saturn Subdasa25 Aug 2046 To 01 Jul 2049      Mercury Subdasa 01 Jul 2049 To19 Jan 2052
 Saturn Antar 25 Aug 2046  To 07 Feb 2047  Mercury Antar 01 Jul 2049  To 11 Nov 2049
 Mercury Antar 07 Feb 2047  To 03 Jul 2047  Ketu Antar 11 Nov 2049  To 04 Jan 2050
 Ketu Antar 03 Jul 2047  To 02 Sep 2047  Venus Antar 04 Jan 2050  To 07 Jun 2050
 Venus Antar 02 Sep 2047  To 23 Feb 2048  Sun Antar 07 Jun 2050  To 23 Jul 2050
 Sun Antar 23 Feb 2048  To 15 Apr 2048  Moon Antar 23 Jul 2050  To 10 Oct 2050
 Moon Antar 15 Apr 2048  To 10 Jul 2048  Mars Antar 10 Oct 2050  To 03 Dec 2050
 Mars Antar 10 Jul 2048  To 10 Sep 2048  Rahu Antar 03 Dec 2050  To 21 Apr 2051
 Rahu Antar 10 Sep 2048  To 14 Feb 2049  Jupiter Antar 21 Apr 2051  To 23 Aug 2051
 Jupiter Antar 14 Feb 2049  To 01 Jul 2049  Saturn Antar 23 Aug 2051  To 19 Jan 2052

 Ketu Subdasa19 Jan 2052 To 07 Feb 2053      Venus Subdasa 07 Feb 2053 To07 Feb 2056
 Ketu Antar 19 Jan 2052  To 11 Feb 2052  Venus Antar 07 Feb 2053  To 07 Aug 2053
 Venus Antar 11 Feb 2052  To 14 Apr 2052  Sun Antar 07 Aug 2053  To 01 Oct 2053
 Sun Antar 14 Apr 2052  To 03 May 2052  Moon Antar 01 Oct 2053  To 01 Jan 2054
 Moon Antar 03 May 2052  To 04 Jun 2052  Mars Antar 01 Jan 2054  To 04 Mar 2054
 Mars Antar 04 Jun 2052  To 26 Jun 2052  Rahu Antar 04 Mar 2054  To 16 Aug 2054
 Rahu Antar 26 Jun 2052  To 23 Aug 2052  Jupiter Antar 16 Aug 2054  To 10 Jan 2055
 Jupiter Antar 23 Aug 2052  To 13 Oct 2052  Saturn Antar 10 Jan 2055  To 01 Jul 2055
 Saturn Antar 13 Oct 2052  To 13 Dec 2052  Mercury Antar 01 Jul 2055  To 04 Dec 2055
 Mercury Antar 13 Dec 2052  To 07 Feb 2053  Ketu Antar 04 Dec 2055  To 07 Feb 2056

 Sun Subdasa07 Feb 2056 To 01 Jan 2057      Moon Subdasa 01 Jan 2057 To01 Jul 2058
 Sun Antar 07 Feb 2056  To 23 Feb 2056  Moon Antar 01 Jan 2057  To 16 Feb 2057
 Moon Antar 23 Feb 2056  To 20 Mar 2056  Mars Antar 16 Feb 2057  To 17 Mar 2057
 Mars Antar 20 Mar 2056  To 09 Apr 2056  Rahu Antar 17 Mar 2057  To 08 Jun 2057
 Rahu Antar 09 Apr 2056  To 28 May 2056  Jupiter Antar 08 Jun 2057  To 20 Aug 2057
 Jupiter Antar 28 May 2056  To 11 Jul 2056  Saturn Antar 20 Aug 2057  To 16 Nov 2057
 Saturn Antar 11 Jul 2056  To 02 Sep 2056  Mercury Antar 16 Nov 2057  To 02 Feb 2058
 Mercury Antar 02 Sep 2056  To 18 Oct 2056  Ketu Antar 02 Feb 2058  To 04 Mar 2058
 Ketu Antar 18 Oct 2056  To 07 Nov 2056  Venus Antar 04 Mar 2058  To 04 Jun 2058
 Venus Antar 07 Nov 2056  To 01 Jan 2057  Sun Antar 04 Jun 2058  To 01 Jul 2058

 Mars Subdasa01 Jul 2058 To 19 Jul 2059     
 Mars Antar 01 Jul 2058  To 23 Jul 2058
 Rahu Antar 23 Jul 2058  To 20 Sep 2058
 Jupiter Antar 20 Sep 2058  To 10 Nov 2058
 Saturn Antar 10 Nov 2058  To 10 Jan 2059
 Mercury Antar 10 Jan 2059  To 03 Mar 2059
 Ketu Antar 03 Mar 2059  To 25 Mar 2059
 Venus Antar 25 Mar 2059  To 28 May 2059
 Sun Antar 28 May 2059  To 17 Jun 2059
 Moon Antar 17 Jun 2059  To 19 Jul 2059

The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of native.

 Maha Dasa Sub Dasa Date Begin Date End
 ScorpioLibra25 Jan 198825 Nov 1988
 ScorpioVirgo25 Nov 198825 Sep 1989
 ScorpioLeo25 Sep 198925 Jul 1990
 ScorpioCancer25 Jul 199025 May 1991
 ScorpioGemini25 May 199125 Mar 1992
 ScorpioTaurus25 Mar 199225 Jan 1993
 ScorpioAries25 Jan 199325 Nov 1993
 ScorpioPisces25 Nov 199325 Sep 1994
 ScorpioAquarius25 Sep 199425 Jul 1995
 ScorpioCapricorn25 Jul 199525 May 1996
 ScorpioSagittarius25 May 199625 Mar 1997
 ScorpioScorpio25 Mar 199725 Jan 1998
 LibraScorpio25 Jan 199825 May 1998
 LibraSagittarius25 May 199825 Sep 1998
 LibraCapricorn25 Sep 199825 Jan 1999
 LibraAquarius25 Jan 199925 May 1999
 LibraPisces25 May 199925 Sep 1999
 LibraAries25 Sep 199925 Jan 2000
 LibraTaurus25 Jan 200025 May 2000
 LibraGemini25 May 200025 Sep 2000
 LibraCancer25 Sep 200025 Jan 2001
 LibraLeo25 Jan 200125 May 2001
 LibraVirgo25 May 200125 Sep 2001
 LibraLibra25 Sep 200125 Jan 2002
 VirgoLibra25 Jan 200225 Sep 2002
 VirgoScorpio25 Sep 200225 May 2003
 VirgoSagittarius25 May 200325 Jan 2004
 VirgoCapricorn25 Jan 200425 Sep 2004
 VirgoAquarius25 Sep 200425 May 2005
 VirgoPisces25 May 200525 Jan 2006
 VirgoAries25 Jan 200625 Sep 2006
 VirgoTaurus25 Sep 200625 May 2007
 VirgoGemini25 May 200725 Jan 2008
 VirgoCancer25 Jan 200825 Sep 2008
 VirgoLeo25 Sep 200825 May 2009
 VirgoVirgo25 May 200925 Jan 2010
 LeoVirgo25 Jan 201025 Aug 2010
 LeoLibra25 Aug 201025 Mar 2011
 LeoScorpio25 Mar 201125 Oct 2011
 LeoSagittarius25 Oct 201125 May 2012
 LeoCapricorn25 May 201225 Dec 2012
 LeoAquarius25 Dec 201225 Jul 2013
 LeoPisces25 Jul 201325 Feb 2014
 LeoAries25 Feb 201425 Sep 2014
 LeoTaurus25 Sep 201425 Apr 2015
 LeoGemini25 Apr 201525 Nov 2015
 LeoCancer25 Nov 201525 Jun 2016
 LeoLeo25 Jun 201625 Jan 2017
 CancerGemini25 Jan 201725 May 2017
 CancerTaurus25 May 201725 Sep 2017
 CancerAries25 Sep 201725 Jan 2018
 CancerPisces25 Jan 201825 May 2018
 CancerAquarius25 May 201825 Sep 2018
 CancerCapricorn25 Sep 201825 Jan 2019
 CancerSagittarius25 Jan 201925 May 2019
 CancerScorpio25 May 201925 Sep 2019
 CancerLibra25 Sep 201925 Jan 2020
 CancerVirgo25 Jan 202025 May 2020
 CancerLeo25 May 202025 Sep 2020
 CancerCancer25 Sep 202025 Jan 2021
 GeminiTaurus25 Jan 202125 Aug 2021
 GeminiAries25 Aug 202125 Mar 2022
 GeminiPisces25 Mar 202225 Oct 2022
 GeminiAquarius25 Oct 202225 May 2023
 GeminiCapricorn25 May 202325 Dec 2023
 GeminiSagittarius25 Dec 202325 Jul 2024
 GeminiScorpio25 Jul 202425 Feb 2025
 GeminiLibra25 Feb 202525 Sep 2025
 GeminiVirgo25 Sep 202525 Apr 2026
 GeminiLeo25 Apr 202625 Nov 2026
 GeminiCancer25 Nov 202625 Jun 2027
 GeminiGemini25 Jun 202725 Jan 2028
 TaurusAries25 Jan 202825 Oct 2028
 TaurusPisces25 Oct 202825 Jul 2029
 TaurusAquarius25 Jul 202925 Apr 2030
 TaurusCapricorn25 Apr 203025 Jan 2031
 TaurusSagittarius25 Jan 203125 Oct 2031
 TaurusScorpio25 Oct 203125 Jul 2032
 TaurusLibra25 Jul 203225 Apr 2033
 TaurusVirgo25 Apr 203325 Jan 2034
 TaurusLeo25 Jan 203425 Oct 2034
 TaurusCancer25 Oct 203425 Jul 2035
 TaurusGemini25 Jul 203525 Apr 2036
 TaurusTaurus25 Apr 203625 Jan 2037
 AriesTaurus25 Jan 203725 Aug 2037
 AriesGemini25 Aug 203725 Mar 2038
 AriesCancer25 Mar 203825 Oct 2038
 AriesLeo25 Oct 203825 May 2039
 AriesVirgo25 May 203925 Dec 2039
 AriesLibra25 Dec 203925 Jul 2040
 AriesScorpio25 Jul 204025 Feb 2041
 AriesSagittarius25 Feb 204125 Sep 2041
 AriesCapricorn25 Sep 204125 Apr 2042
 AriesAquarius25 Apr 204225 Nov 2042
 AriesPisces25 Nov 204225 Jun 2043
 AriesAries25 Jun 204325 Jan 2044
 PiscesAries25 Jan 204425 Jan 2045
 PiscesTaurus25 Jan 204525 Jan 2046
 PiscesGemini25 Jan 204625 Jan 2047
 PiscesCancer25 Jan 204725 Jan 2048
 PiscesLeo25 Jan 204825 Jan 2049
 PiscesVirgo25 Jan 204925 Jan 2050
 PiscesLibra25 Jan 205025 Jan 2051
 PiscesScorpio25 Jan 205125 Jan 2052
 PiscesSagittarius25 Jan 205225 Jan 2053
 PiscesCapricorn25 Jan 205325 Jan 2054
 PiscesAquarius25 Jan 205425 Jan 2055
 PiscesPisces25 Jan 205525 Jan 2056
 AquariusPisces25 Jan 205625 Dec 2056
 AquariusAries25 Dec 205625 Nov 2057
 AquariusTaurus25 Nov 205725 Oct 2058
 AquariusGemini25 Oct 205825 Sep 2059
 AquariusCancer25 Sep 205925 Aug 2060
 AquariusLeo25 Aug 206025 Jul 2061
 AquariusVirgo25 Jul 206125 Jun 2062
 AquariusLibra25 Jun 206225 May 2063
 AquariusScorpio25 May 206325 Apr 2064
 AquariusSagittarius25 Apr 206425 Mar 2065
 AquariusCapricorn25 Mar 206525 Feb 2066
 AquariusAquarius25 Feb 206625 Jan 2067
 CapricornSagittarius25 Jan 206725 Feb 2067
 CapricornScorpio25 Feb 206725 Mar 2067
 CapricornLibra25 Mar 206725 Apr 2067
 CapricornVirgo25 Apr 206725 May 2067
 CapricornLeo25 May 206725 Jun 2067
 CapricornCancer25 Jun 206725 Jul 2067
 CapricornGemini25 Jul 206725 Aug 2067
 CapricornTaurus25 Aug 206725 Sep 2067
 CapricornAries25 Sep 206725 Oct 2067
 CapricornPisces25 Oct 206725 Nov 2067
 CapricornAquarius25 Nov 206725 Dec 2067
 CapricornCapricorn25 Dec 206725 Jan 2068
 SagittariusScorpio25 Jan 206825 Apr 2068
 SagittariusLibra25 Apr 206825 Jul 2068
 SagittariusVirgo25 Jul 206825 Oct 2068
 SagittariusLeo25 Oct 206825 Jan 2069
 SagittariusCancer25 Jan 206925 Apr 2069
 SagittariusGemini25 Apr 206925 Jul 2069
 SagittariusTaurus25 Jul 206925 Oct 2069
 SagittariusAries25 Oct 206925 Jan 2070
 SagittariusPisces25 Jan 207025 Apr 2070
 SagittariusAquarius25 Apr 207025 Jul 2070
 SagittariusCapricorn25 Jul 207025 Oct 2070
 SagittariusSagittarius25 Oct 207025 Jan 2071
 ScorpioLibra25 Jan 207125 Nov 2071
 ScorpioVirgo25 Nov 207125 Sep 2072
 ScorpioLeo25 Sep 207225 Jul 2073
 ScorpioCancer25 Jul 207325 May 2074
 ScorpioGemini25 May 207425 Mar 2075
 ScorpioTaurus25 Mar 207525 Jan 2076
 ScorpioAries25 Jan 207625 Nov 2076
 ScorpioPisces25 Nov 207625 Sep 2077
 ScorpioAquarius25 Sep 207725 Jul 2078
 ScorpioCapricorn25 Jul 207825 May 2079
 ScorpioSagittarius25 May 207925 Mar 2080
 ScorpioScorpio25 Mar 208025 Jan 2081
 LibraScorpio25 Jan 208125 May 2081
 LibraSagittarius25 May 208125 Sep 2081
 LibraCapricorn25 Sep 208125 Jan 2082
 LibraAquarius25 Jan 208225 May 2082
 LibraPisces25 May 208225 Sep 2082
 LibraAries25 Sep 208225 Jan 2083
 LibraTaurus25 Jan 208325 May 2083
 LibraGemini25 May 208325 Sep 2083
 LibraCancer25 Sep 208325 Jan 2084
 LibraLeo25 Jan 208425 May 2084
 LibraVirgo25 May 208425 Sep 2084
 LibraLibra25 Sep 208425 Jan 2085
 VirgoLibra25 Jan 208525 Sep 2085
 VirgoScorpio25 Sep 208525 May 2086
 VirgoSagittarius25 May 208625 Jan 2087
 VirgoCapricorn25 Jan 208725 Sep 2087
 VirgoAquarius25 Sep 208725 May 2088
 VirgoPisces25 May 208825 Jan 2089
 VirgoAries25 Jan 208925 Sep 2089
 VirgoTaurus25 Sep 208925 May 2090
 VirgoGemini25 May 209025 Jan 2091
 VirgoCancer25 Jan 209125 Sep 2091
 VirgoLeo25 Sep 209125 May 2092
 VirgoVirgo25 May 209225 Jan 2093
The dates given are nothing to do with the longevity of native.

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